Communicating Care: Breaking Down Language Barriers in Healthcare

Discover the importance of communication in the healthcare industry, the negative effects language barriers have on medical staff, and why language learning is essential to providing effective patient care.

14 minutes

Reading time: 

29 pages

eBook length:

1 language

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eBook highlights

Learn about the current landscape of communication and languages spoken in the US today

Unpack the downsides of language barriers in healthcare

Discover the benefits of improved language skills across medical staff

Find out why language learning is so essential for healthcare workers to do their jobs

eBook summary

Effective communication is important in all aspects of life and work—but nowhere is it more important than in the healthcare industry. There are approximately 22 million healthcare workers across the United States, and each of them is caring for patients with diverse backgrounds who speak many languages. This diversity, while enriching, introduces challenges in communication that can have dire consequences.

In this eBook, we delve into the critical role of effective communication within the healthcare industry, highlighting the profound impact of linguistic diversity on patient care, and the ways medical professionals can improve patient outcomes and satisfaction.

language learning for the US business

Who should read this?

Human resources

Learning & Development managers

Operations managers

C-suite executives

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