Language Courses for the Construction Industry

Construction-based content for your team

With lessons on jobsite safety, construction development, and more, Babbel for Business can help your team break down language barriers and protect your team from workplace accidents—and your company from costly fines and fees.

spanish courses for construction

Suitable for all learners

Learners can start lessons at a level that matches their specific language experience. Combining our self-paced learning in the Babbel App with our Live classes, learners can progress at their own pace—wherever and whenever it’s most convenient for them. Our live, interactive lessons fit easily into busy schedules and improve a learner’s pace to language proficiency. Babbel for Business helps break down language barriers across the construction industry between workers and site managers.

Construction Spanish Courses

Babbel Live classes for the construction industry

Our Babbel Live classes will help learners practice conversations specific to the jobsite and receive instant feedback from our experienced instructors.

Construction Spanish Courses for Teams

C1 - Negotiating in English

With dominique

55 min


C1 - Talking about work skills

With Victora

55 min


Construction spanish classes

B2 -Solving complicated situations at work

With francesco

55 min


“Many employees have reported that they now feel much more confident when speaking English.”

Samantha Homburg, HR Administrator, BODE

Ensuring workplace safety through language skills ebook

While it’s not dangerous to know only one language in everyday life in the US, there can be more serious consequences for language barriers in the workplace. These consequences can be harmful, and even worse, fatal. Workplace accidents not only endanger the lives of employees but also result in significant financial losses for businesses. Addressing language proficiency in the workplace is crucial for ensuring the safety and productivity of your employees.

In this eBook, we explore the intersection of language learning and workplace safety, providing practical strategies and best practices for the implementation of language learning programs. Together, let’s create a safer and more inclusive work environment.

Check our our blog posts

Leadership Skills

We explore the impact of language barriers on workplace safety and share practical steps you can take to address language barriers at work.

Leadership Skills

We discuss how multilingual safety training can improve workplace communication and decrease work accidents.

Employee Development

Effective communication is crucial for safety, but linguistic diversity can complicate this. We explain why language learning is essential in high-risk industries.

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