Police Chiefs Association of Montgomery County

Improving communication and understanding in high-emotion situations

About the customer

The Police Chiefs Association of Montgomery County is an organization that strives to build closer official and personal relationships across 50 different police departments, adopt humane efforts in law enforcement, promote cooperation in the prevention and detection of crime, and advance police officials’ education throughout Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
Law Enforcement
Company Size:
Babbel Live

The challenge

To stay true to their mission, PCAMC wanted their officers to communicate effectively with everyone in the community, no matter their native language. They wanted a program that could improve Spanish-speaking skills and ideally have police officers become conversational to improve communication and understanding in high-emotion situations.

Why Babbel?

Babbel for Business had the opportunity to interview one of their learners, Chief Joseph Sokolofski of the West Pottsgrove Township Police Department. With over 30 years in law enforcement under his belt, Sokolofski understands the importance of building trust within the community and ensuring everyone feels safe and protected. 

Despite his extensive experience, he has been facing a significant challenge: effectively communicating with the Spanish-speaking community. Although the township does not have a large Spanish-speaking population compared to other areas of the state, it is a transient area with many visitors, making Spanish proficiency crucial for effective policing. Sokolofski’s goal was to become fluent in Spanish to better serve his community and enhance his professional skills. 

Sokolofski’s journey to learn Spanish began in college and continued through various law enforcement classes. He tried multiple language learning apps over the years, but found them lacking in certain areas. For instance, one was more focused on gamification and memorization without explaining the nuances of the language. Another, while good for speaking, did not cater to his visual learning style.

Sokolofski needed a comprehensive solution that combined visual aids, practical application, and in-depth explanations. That’s where Babbel came into play. 

“I found Babbel more technically useful and practical to get you speaking faster.”

Chief Joseph Sokolofski, West Pottsgrove Township Police Department

When PCAMC implemented Babbel for Business, Sokolofski immediately appreciated its balanced approach to language learning. Unlike other programs, Babbel provides detailed explanations of grammar and usage, which helped Sokolofski understand the “why” behind the language better. This was crucial for his learning style, as he needed to see and understand the words in a practical context to remember them. “In the last 10 lessons, Babbel covered the indefinite and imperfect tenses in depth, explaining the differences between the two, which helps things stick with you. In other apps, you don’t get that.” 

Babbel’s Live classes were also a great addition to the program. Its immersive environment and interactive teaching methods helped Sokolofski practice speaking and listening to Spanish in real-time. The instructor’s approach of speaking minimal English along with encouraging active participation kept him engaged and motivated throughout the class.

“The content was great, and what I liked about it is it was like an immersion. The instructors tried not to speak English at all. They included everyone in the class too.”

Another favorite feature he likes to use in his downtime are the podcasts on the Babbel platform. “A lot of times when I’m cutting the grass, I’ll listen to the podcasts, and they’ve really helped me train my ear for the rhythm of the language. I’m not there yet, but the podcasts are really good.” 

Since incorporating Babbel into his daily routine, Sokolofski has seen tangible improvements in his Spanish proficiency. He now feels more confident in his ability to communicate during critical situations. For instance, he was able to use his new language skills to assist in an emergency situation recently on the job.

“About four months ago, we had a pretty serious car accident where I was able to converse with the driver. The ambulance was there, and they were asking her questions, but none of them spoke Spanish. So I was able to interpret the information on a basic level to ensure she got the necessary care.”

Sokolofski’s commitment to lifelong learning and his determination to become fluent in Spanish have not only benefited his career, but have also set a positive example for his colleagues and family. He emphasized the importance of bilingualism, especially in law enforcement, where effective communication can make a significant difference in community relations and public safety.

“Any job you go for today, if you speak Spanish, even at a basic level, compared to the people who you are going up against, you’re gonna get the job. There’s no doubt about that. You’re going to need it. It’s just a matter of when, not a matter of if.” 

He also highlighted how important it is to learn Spanish as a police officer today: “If your chief or one or two of your officers were fluent in Spanish, that’s just another tool in the community engagement toolbox. The Hispanic population would feel much more comfortable talking to you in their native language and feel much more confident in their police department because it accurately represents the demographics.”


Sokolofski’s story highlights the importance of choosing the right language learning tool for your learners. Babbel’s comprehensive approach, combining visual aids, practical application, and live classes, provides PCAMC with the resources their officers need to overcome language barriers and achieve professional goals. Sokolofski’s first-hand experience underscores the value of continuous learning and the incredible impact it can have on protecting the community and keeping everyone safe.

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