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Determine the right solution for your team with an expert introduction to our award-winning language learning platform, admin and reporting features. See why more than 2,000 companies worldwide trust Babbel.
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Over 2,000 satisfied companies
John Shin
Director of Risk Management
Monarch Landscaping
Landscaping Industry
“It’s priceless. You’re able to speak with your crew in Spanish, and it builds camaraderie and trust. Our people enjoy it. We’ve had nothing but positive feedback.”
Kursten Mason
World Languages Director
Ensign Peak Academy
Education Industry
“I like that it’s very research-based, as far as language learning goes, to have six or seven new words or phrases that you learn each time. Also, the reviews in Babbel are more adaptive.”
Chief Joseph Sokolofski
West Pottsgrove Township Police Department
Police Chiefs Association of Montgomery County
Law Enforcement Industry
“The content was great, and what I liked about it is it was like an immersion. The instructors tried not to speak English at all. They included everyone in the class too.”
Leanne Kocian
Global Human Resources Director
Wildlife Works
Conservation Industry
“Language learning has helped break down some of those language barriers and even allowed us to be more inclusive as a company so that people aren’t left out.”