Employee Development

Why Expert Advice is Crucial When Implementing Digital Learning in Your Company

Lilly Miner
Published: 7th May 2020
Updated: 11th July 2023
Warum Expertenhilfe grundlegend für die Umsetzung von digitalem Lernen in Ihrem Unternehmen ist  - Babbel für Unternehmen

Babbel for Business has collated years of data and research to create a holistic overview of how best to implement digital learning in the workplace. These insights are now presented in one cohesive booklet. This article explores why guidance from experts isn’t just helpful — it’s a necessity.

Over the years, Babbel has worked with dozens of companies across a multitude of industries to implement tailor-made, digital language learning solutions. We analyzed the numbers from this rich database of experience to present our customers with a cohesive guide on how best to implement digital learning solutions in their business. To make all of the information digestible, we packaged it up with bitesize visuals and infographics and published it in this digital booklet. This article gives you a taste of what you’ll find in our downloadable info pack, so you can use our research to successfully expand the horizons of your enterprise.

How Babbel became an expert in online language learning for companies

Over the last decade, digital learning within companies has grown exponentially, with over 77% of companies in the DACH region either using digital learning or having plans to implement it. Over the years, we’ve worked with hundreds of companies and language experts to chisel and sculpt our offering to ensure it’s the best language learning solution for any business. We’ve built an infrastructure of online business-specific language modules across three separate products. All this makes us a leading authority on online language learning and digitalisation within companies.

In our booklet, we’ve neatly tied up everything we know within this sector to help you implement your language learning strategy in a cost-effective, digestible, and efficient way.

The value of infographics

In our booklet, we share numerous infographics that break down everything you need to know into bitesize visuals. Learning managers shouldn’t underestimate the importance of these visuals — not only do they paint a picture of the road ahead, but they provide valuable insight to the process of successfully implementing digitalized learning in your company.

Infographic_Babbel for Business_Digital Language Learning in the DACH market

How your company can benefit from expert insights

Our information booklet has been compiled by a team of researchers and language experts with a culmination of dozens of years of experience in the education sector. We’ve broken down their findings into digestible material that can be shared in inter-departmental presentations. With this resource, you can easily communicate vital information to team leads and decision makers in your company to ensure they successfully implement your new digital learning strategy. Taking full advantage of these expert insights will help key decision makers understand just how crucial digital learning resources are to the development and growth of your company.

With our expertise you’ll have a holistic understanding of the following insights:

  • The digital learning market in the DACH region
  • Percentages and statistics that cover the role of digital learning in the workplace
  • The requirements you should consider when implementing digital learning
  • The advantages for HR, the employees, and the company
  • How digital learning can benefit your customers and revenue

How expert insight can help your decision making

As language learning experts, we pride ourselves on fostering a culture of transparency, especially when we know how much our expertise can benefit our customers. That’s why the information we’ve collated in our downloadable booklet isn’t just a useful resource, it’s a tried and tested guide on the successful implementation of digital learning.

By using our resources, you will:

  • Gain invaluable expertise from our own experiences as expert leaders in digital learning
  • Understand where companies go wrong, as well as where they go right, so you won’t make the same mistakes but learn from successful examples
  • Become oriented on how to successfully use case studies as references for implementing digital learning
  • Have a better understanding of the pitfalls of digital learning so you can proactively manage any obstacles or difficulties
  • Learn how to navigate the digital learning market and find the right product fit for your team
  • Learn exactly how to communicate our offering, so you’ll be able to answer any questions
  • Secure successful implementation of digital learning within your company infrastructure

Enjoy our booklet “Expert Advice on Digital Learning in Companies”

As Neil Armstrong once said: “Research is creating new knowledge.” We hope that our information booklet will be viewed as an invaluable resource — one that will shape the future of digital learning within your company and bring guidance and expertise to the learning managers who have put time and effort into introducing this positive asset to the company.

Sharing our knowledge and expertise with our customers seems like the least we can do. It’s companies like yours — that invest in the future prospects and development of their employees — that make us feel proud to be part of the education sector.

Expert Advice Booklet – Free download!

Keen to learn more? You can download our booklet Expert Advice on Digital Learning and open your company up to a whole world of opportunities.

Picture of Lilly Miner

Lilly Miner

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