Lächelnde Mitarbeiter:innen unterhalten sich in einem Meeting.
How Your Company Values Contribute to Employee Well-Being
Company values are a reflection of company culture, which is why they’re directly related to the well-being...
Junge Geschäftsfrau hält eine Rede in einem Meeting und erntet Applaus.
How Women Can Break The Glass Ceiling
In an interview with Babbel, Ally La Mere, founder of Route 504 PR, explains how to break the glass ceiling...
Junge, lächelnde Geschäftsleute hören in einem Meeting zu.
How to Improve Your Team’s Intercultural Communication Skills
Intercultural understanding recognizes your commonalities and differences, a skill that is becoming more...
Lächelnde Geschäftsfrau hält im Büro ein paar Luftballons, als Zeichen für wertschätzende Incentives.
How You Can Increase Employee Motivation with Incentives
From why incentives are raising your employees motivation to finding the perfect incentive, Babbel gives...
Lächelnde Geschäftsfrau steht in einer Mitarbeiterschulung.
Hiring New Talent vs. Training Current Employees
Both hiring new team members and training employees of your current team has its benefits. But which...
Unbewusste Vorurteile am Arbeitsplatz
For Diversity and Inclusion, Teams Need to Talk About Unconscious Bias
Diversity is a noble ideal for any company, but it doesn’t always foster inclusivity. To do that, overcoming...
How Companies Can Meet Evolving Employee Needs in a Post-COVID World
The way we work has been permanently transformed, meaning companies need to adapt to meet the needs of...
Mitarbeiter:innen feiern Weihnachten im Büro und tauschen Geschenke aus.
3 Ideas for Christmas Gifts That Benefit Your Employees and Your Entire Company
Looking for great employee gift ideas for the holidays? These gifts benefit not only the employees but...
Fröhliche Mitarbeiter:innen mit Weihnachtsgeschenken bei einer Weihnachtsfeier im Büro.
The Best Digital Holiday Gifts for Your Employees
Employee gifts are important to show your appreciation for them and to reward their contribution and...
Lächelnde Mitarbeiterin arbeitet an ihrem Schreibtisch; als Symbol für zufriedene Mitarbeiter:innen.
10 Tips for Promoting Employee Satisfaction in Your Business
Increased employee satisfaction goes hand in hand with increased success for your business. We at Babbel...
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