Sprachenlernen: Welche Strategie eignet sich für Ihr Unternehmen am besten? - Babbel für Unternehmen
Which Language Learning Strategy Is Right For Your Company?
At Babbel, we’ve defined three straightforward strategies that companies can adapt to help get them on...
Lächelnder Mann schreibt Notizen auf ein Board.
The Babbel Booklet: Business English in the DACH Region
Find out what the advantages of learning Business English digitally are and how it will help you overcome...
Warum Expertenhilfe grundlegend für die Umsetzung von digitalem Lernen in Ihrem Unternehmen ist  - Babbel für Unternehmen
Why Expert Advice is Crucial When Implementing Digital Learning in Your Company
Guidance from experts when implementing language learning in the workplace isn't just helpful - it's...
Weiterbildung in Krisenzeiten: Mit diesen Tipps behalten Sie die Lernziele Ihres Teams im Blick - Babbel für Unternehmen
Training in Times of Crisis: 5 Tips to Keep an Eye on Your Team’s Learning Goals
From using the potential of remote working to providing for clarity and motivation: Babbel offers 5 tips...
Tipp 4 zum Inhalt und zur Dauer: So klappt das Lernen einer Sprache auf der Arbeit - Babbel für Unternehmen
Tip 4 on Content and Duration: 5 Tips for Effective Language Learning at Work
This our fourth of five tips on effective language learning at work: This time, Babbel helps you on what...
Mann lernt an seinem Laptop im Homeoffice eine neue Sprache.
Tip 3 on Time: 5 Tips for Effective Language Learning at Work
In our series on effective language learning at your workspace, we've already tackled two key topics:...
Junge, lächelnde Frau lernt eine Sprache an ihrem Arbeitsplatz in einem Großraumbüro.
Tip 2 on Learning Place: 5 Tips for Effective Language Learning at Work
This our second of five tips on effective language learning at work: This time, Babbel helps you turning...
Can you guess the meaning of these international business phrases?
With an increasingly globalized business world, you might came across some of these international expressions....
Three Ways to Make Continuous Learning a Habit in Your Company
With the right approach and a determined mindset, your leadership team can help individuals experience...
4 Schritte zur Einführung eines Sprachlern-Plans in Ihrem Unternehmen - Babbel für Unternehmen
Setting Up a Language Learning Plan That Works For Your Company
From assessing your company’s language learning needs to evaluating your progress. Here are some tips...
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