Zwei gegenüber gestellte Köpfe, einer mit einem Gehirn, der andere mit einem Herz; als Symbol für Hard Skills und Soft Skills.
Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: What’s the Difference and How Can They Be Developed?
What are hard and soft skills and how can they be acquired and measured? Find out, how corporate language...
Junge Geschäftsfrau hält eine Präsentation in einem Meeting.
How to develop a learning culture in 2022 — for your company, and for yourself!
What does “learning” mean in your everyday work life? Discover learning goals and developmental potential...
Digital Learning: Training Anywhere with E-Learning
In times of social distancing and restrictions on personal contact, the significance of e-learning rose...
Weiterbildung: 6 inspirierende Neujahrsvorsätze für L&D-Teams - Babbel für Unternehmen
6 New Year’s Aspirations for L&D Teams
Employees who are developing new skills through L&D teams are not only beneficial for your company. It...
Junge, lächelnde Frau lernt an ihrem Computer in ihrem Zuhause.
Adult Learning and What it Means for Companies
Adult learning is a crucial new process for innovative companies – and Babbel for Business’s language...
Qualifikationslücken zu schließen
To Thrive in a Post-Covid World, Use These 5 Strategies to Identify and Close Skill Gaps
COVID-19 has accelerated change in the business world — and to keep up, companies need strategies to...
Why Digital Upskilling Is a Top Priority in the Post-Pandemic World
The pandemic has pushed everything online and remote, increasing the need for digital upskilling. Fortunately,...
happy employee using a smartphone for professional development
Professional development as a central factor in employee satisfaction
Discover more about professional development for more employee satisfaction with Babbel for Business
Tip 5 on Motivation: 5 Tips for Effective Language Learning at Work
This our fifth of five tips on effective language learning at work: This time, Babbel helps you on how...
Blended Learning in Zeiten von Corona - Babbel für Unternehmen
Blended Learning in the Time of Corona
What is blended learning? What are advantages and disadvantages and how can you implement this learning...
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